On the Town Halls page, you can manage and track your town halls and other events you organize.
You can manage the guest list and receive RSVPs and the number of attendees.
Additionally, you can generate a link to the event through the system, allowing you to share it in WhatsApp groups, on your Facebook page, etc.
To add a town hall, go to the Town Halls page and click on the add icon.
In the window that opens, fill in the details of the town hall.

After saving, the Town Hall page will open, and additional editing options will become available:
- Add Input: You can add more fields to fill in the registration form – a detailed explanation appears below.
- Choose Custom Properties To Display: You can add dynamic parameters from the system as fields to the registration form.
- Copy The Invitation Link: By clicking the button, you can copy the link to the town hall and send the invitation in WhatsApp groups/SMS messages/Facebook, etc.
- Invite: You can add guests manually or via Excel (suitable for a relatively large number of guests).
- Export to Excel: Exports a report of all guests.
- Manage Town Hall Managers: Link managers who can edit the town hall details and add guests.
- Send Invitation : send an SMS message to all guests. The system generates an automatic text template that can be edited with the town hall details and a registration link.
- Send Reminder: An SMS message with the option to schedule the message for a later time.
- Match Invited To System: Match the guests list with the voter list in the system based on phone number, email, and name
After filling in all the details, click “Save.”

Form fields in the invitation form:
Guests are required to fill in the fields: First Name, Last Name, Phone Number, and Number of Attendees (optional).
You can add additional fields of your choice by clicking “Add a Field.” For each field, select the field name, type (text, checkbox, or number), and whether it is a required field in the form.

Guest List:
You can view the guest list in the table at the bottom of the screen and export it by going to Additional Actions -> Export to Csv.
1.Attendance Marking: You can mark in the table whether the guest attended the town hall.
2.More details (Find Match): One of the challenges with registrants on external pages is that there is no unique match to the voter’s record, as form fillers are reluctant to enter their ID numbers.
To solve this, we have added the option to match the town hall guest list with the voter list. Next to each name on the guest list, there is a “Find Match” button.
Clicking it will provide a suggested match based on the name. If you check the box for the match, the guest will be linked to the voter’s record. Additionally, the voter will be tagged with the town hall to document their participation in their voter record.

Town Halls and Events Dashboard
You have the option to send voters a designed page that lists all your upcoming town halls and events in chronological order. This way, you can provide your voters with the opportunity to register for multiple events.

You can edit the page details and copy the link for distribution by clicking on.