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Tasks are your way to turn voters into active participants in the campaign, thereby increasing their identification with the campaign and convincing their surroundings to support you.

Assigning Tasks to Voters

Tasks can be assigned to voters in two ways – through the computer or via the app.

  1. Assigning Tasks Through the Computer
  1. In the voter’s card, select “More Actions” – “Manage Tasks”.

Tasks can be assigned to voters in two ways – through the computer or via the app.

2. In the window that opens, you can assign tasks to the voter.

2.Assigning Tasks Through the App

The activist can assign tasks to a supporter during the addition stage.

or by clicking on the three dots next to the name of a supporter already in their supporters list.

and then clicking on the voter’s details.

Tasks Page

On the Tasks page, you can see all the tasks assigned to voters.

  1. Manage Tasks – Navigate to the Task Types Management page. An explanation of this page will be provided later in the guide.
  2. Export to Excel – Exports the tasks displayed on the page to an Excel report. You can filter and select specific tasks. For example, in this image, only the first task is selected (in the rightmost column), so only it will appear in the report.
  3. Mark all the selected tasks as completed.
  4. Delete all the selected tasks.
  5. Filter the tasks displayed on the page by status (completed/not completed) and by task type.
  6. More Details – Displays a window with task details, where you can mark the task as completed.

Task Types Management Page

The system includes built-in task types that are set by default. you also have the option to define new task types. On the tasks managemet page, you can edit the settings of existing task types and create new task types.

  1. To create a new task type, click on “Add New Task Type.”
  2. Active: You can choose whether the task type is active or not. A task type that is set to inactive is essentially temporarily deleted, and all tasks of this type are removed.
  3. Display to Users: Decide whether to display the task type to all users or only to specific users (e.g., callers).
  4. Allow Recurring Task: Decide whether to allow the same task type to be assigned to the same voter multiple times. For example, after a voter has participated a town hall and the task is marked as completed, the same voter might want to participate another town hall. In this case, to assign the task again, you need to enable recurring tasks.

Setting a User as Task Manager

The Tasks page, which shows tasks assigned to voters, is displayed by default only to system administrators. You can also grant access to specific activists or managers, allowing them to view and edit tasks assigned to voters. This can be configured in the relevant activist’s or manager’s profile.

On the left side, select the “Manage Privileges” tab and click on “Manage Tasks.” In the menu that opens, you can choose whether to show the user all types of tasks or select specific ones.

Tasks On Advanced Search Page

on advanced search page you can search for voters based on the type and status of the tasks assigned to them.

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